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Rudy and Racial Exploitation

Posted by Jack Stephens on July 22, 2007

Terry Smith, at, writes:

The Times’s expose of Giuliani’s macabre racial side isn’t likely to diminish his standing among Republican primary voters, a group of lily whites with known racial indifference.  The appearance of the story itself, however, is quite ironic because the Times endorsed Giuliani’s re-election as mayor with complete knowledge of what it’s now reporting in 2007.  Clearly Republican primary voters aren’t the only whites with racial indifference.  For a far more comprehensive expose of Giuliani’s racial misdeeds, read Wayne Barrett’s article, Rudy’s Milky Way , published in 1999.  Among its many highlights is a remembrance of Giuliani’s campaign slogan, “one standard, one city.”  It was a not-so-subtle dig at blacks and Mayor David Dinkins.  But among the many ways in which Giuliani contradicted his own slogan was his selective abolition of mayoral liaisons to some ethnic groups–blacks–but not others.

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